Plan sponsors must document their processes in order to demonstrate that they have met their Fiduciary responsibilities.

  • Implement a process to fully document their procurement process for medical and Rx
  • Demonstrate a decision-making process based on the plan’s actual data and perform required regulatory reporting and analysis
  • Benchmark their plan against industry accepted standards and RFP practices

Innovu provides advisors and their plan sponsor clients with the necessary toolkit to meet their obligations as a Fiduciary.

Innovation in every process.


Solidify your procurement process and secure your documentation:

  • Organize, timestamp and store the documentation needed to run a fiduciary process


Innovu dissects and analyzes your medical and Rx data so you can:

  • Substantiate your procurement decisions
  • Provide substantial savings opportunities
  • Improve your population health


Innovu provides the benchmarking tools  necessary to meet Fiduciary procurement obligations:

  • Plan design benchmarking
  • Pharma benchmarking
  • Site of care benchmarking
We integrate data across your health benefits, workers' compensation and retirement programs, then analyze it for actionable opportunities along three dimensions:

Data Quality

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Business Metrics, Plan Design, and Legal Compliance

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Clinical Measures

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