$304,012,000 in savings opportunities identified YTD
$262,305 average savings identified ytd per organization
$304,012,000 in savings opportunities identified YTD
$262,305 average savings identified per organization

Human Capital Analytics Lifecycle

innovu's Engagement Model

Unlock the Power of Data

Break down silos with a data driven strategy to fully manage Benefits, Workers Compensation, and Retirement risk.

We’ve got everyone covered.

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A brief description

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Lorem ipsum dolor

A brief description

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Lorem ipsum dolor

A brief description

Nullam cursus lacinia erat. In ut quam vitae odio lacinia tincidunt

Lorem ipsum dolor

A brief description

Nullam cursus lacinia erat. In ut quam vitae odio lacinia tincidunt

Identify Opportunities

Drive a successful benefits strategy with our easy-to-use tools. Get the proof you need to justify new programs, calculate costs, and make your case to stakeholders.

case study

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Data sheet

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Est esse oportere an, mel vivendum probatus ad, vim ipsum dicam nominavi cu. Id vel facer velit, an ludus aliquid praesent mel.

More than technology

Local experts, supporting you on your terms

Innovu experts and proprietary analytics provide opportunity identification and support. Feel confident in your data with dedicated analytics expertise, in person engagement sessions, and access to our support team.

It was clear to me that the Innovu platform along with the engagement team’s expertise will not only allow us to make better plan design decisions but develop techniques to identify cost-saving solutions.
Michelle M
Senior VP of Human Resources
Innovu is the Pro-Level tool in the industry
Brandon B
Director of Analytics & Innovation
We are a data driven company, and partnering with Innovu was one of our best decisions!
Carrie R
VP of Human Resources
The Innovu Platform increased our ability to implement solutions
Patricia M
Benefit Trust Manager
The transparency that we have gained by being able to explore the aggregate data on a paid and allowed basis has influenced the benefits offered and our communication strategies.
Diane H
Executive Director of a Business Group on Health


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